Lennox, Bulldog/Lab mix. |
7/11/12 - It is tremendous sadness that Freddy, the wiener dog, announces that the Lennox was destroyed right after midnight in Belfast. "Belfast City Council on Wednesday confirmed that the destruction order has now been carried out, after a 28-day reprieve ended at midnight." Please tell Belfast City Council how you feel: lordmayorsoffice@belfastcity.gov.uk.
Below is an article Freddy's Mommy found online. She haven't been able to find it again, but it states our sentiments exactly!!
"Despite a massive two year long campaign to save him, Lennox the dog has been put to sleep under a court order, two years after he was seized for being of Pit Bull type. Lennox was not a Pit Bull but in fact a Labrador/American Bulldog crossbreed.
Officials claimed he was aggressive and unhandleable, despite photo and video evidence to the contrary as well as statements from people who had contact with him.
This poor dog was made to sit in kennels for two years, away from his family, and has now had his life ended prematurely, not for attacking anybody or causing a problem, but purely for being of Pit Bull type.
For those who don't know, the law regarding 'dangerous dogs' doesn't require DNA testing to prove a dog is indeed a Pit Bull (or other 'dangerous' type). Instead it relies on a broad set of physical characteristics to determine whether a dog is 'of Pit Bull type' - these include a large head, broad chest, and short fur. The act means that even if you know your dog is a Labrador crossbreed, Boxer crossbreed, Staffie etc, it can still be classed as 'Pit Bull type' and seized under the Dangerous Dogs Act.
Your dog does not have to have bitten somebody, threatened anybody or have done anything wrong, it can be seized purely because it resembles a banned breed of dog, even if you know for a fact that your dog is of a different breed.
Furthermore, even dogs that ARE truly Pit Bulls (or other 'dangerous' types) are no more likely to be aggressive than any other breed of dog, provided they are trained, socialised and brought up correctly. Yet even if they are friendly, sociable and well trained, they can be put to sleep purely because they are Pit Bulls.
A dog being put to sleep because it is uncontrolably aggressive is one thing. A dog being put to sleep purely on the basis of it's breed (or in some cases, being classed as 'type' regardless of breed) when it has done nothing wrong is abhorrent.
Help to fight to repeal the Dangerous Dogs Act and save another dog like Lennox from suffering: http://www.endangereddogs.com/EDDRCa...AgainstDDA.htm"

7/10/12 p.m.
Lennox's family denied a last visit. In a statement from the Barnes' family: "We are sorry to say at the present time Belfast city council seem to be intent on killing our boy. Despite previous assurances otherwise, we have been denied the opportunity to say goodbye. We have also been told that we cannot collect his body and bring Len home. We have been informed however that we will receive "some" ashes in the mail."
7/10/12 p.m. Update: No response from the BCC.
7/10/12 a.m. Update: Peter Robinson, current First Minister of Northern Ireland and leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has urged the Lord Mayor of Belfast to intervene and save the life of Lennox, suggesting that the Belfast City Council and Mayor should seriously consider allowing the death row dog to be relocated to the United States. No response from the BCC yet.
7/9/12 a.m. Update: None. No word from Northern Ireland. Please continue to send emails. Thanks.
7/9/12 p.m. Update: None. Nothing confirmed at least. Still praying for a pardon for a family's loving dog.
Freddy, the wiener dog, urgently requests his readers to send emails to the United Kingdom to save Lennox, an American Bulldog/Labrador mix. Here's information from his owners:
Lennox in his prison cell. |
"Lennox is a loveable 5 year old family member. He's an American Bull dog cross that we have owned since he was a little pup. On Wednesday the 19th May 2010 he was taken from our family home by Belfast City Council as they believe he falls under the dangerous dogs act for Northern Ireland. The Council, without seeking any proper professional guidance declared Lennox to be a breed of "Pitbull Type" and so they wish to kill him simply because he has the appearance of said breed. Lennox has never attacked anyone or anything yet the council have removed him from his home where he lives with my wife, myself, our 12 year old Daughter and his soul mate Juicy, a 2 year old female boxer. Belfast City Council are pressuring our family to sign him over to them to be destroyed however we feel the need to fight his case, he cannot speak but we will be his voice! If this was a human we would declare this racism. We ask every kind hearted person for your support, don't let them murder him."