Friday, October 7, 2011

Poor little Malibu gets bad news.

Nervous Malibu
Freddy, the wiener dog, was very unhappy when Mommy left the house with Malibu this afternoon. Daisy had gone missing this morning (spaying) and now Mommy was taking Malibu, but she had her first appointment with our veterinarian. Malibu weighs 7.9 lbs. Overall, she's in good health. Unfortunately, her teeth are in horrible condition. It's part genetics - some dogs are more prone than others. I already knew she needed a teeth cleaning, but she needs significant teeth extraction. He'll leave as many as possible, but she probably won't have any teeth in the back. We already have dry food in tiny bites so she'll be okay. Of course, she also needs to be spayed. Thankfully, they can do both procedures at the same time so she only goes under anesthesia once. Her date is scheduled for Nov. 4. The vet said, "Is she a dapple? I've never seen such light coloring." The technician loved the long hair/short hair combo. Both said that she has a sweet face and was good-natured. Yes, she's my Malibu.

11/4/11 Update: Malibu had her surgeries today. She was spayed, had 13 teeth extracted, and a hernia repaired. The vet said, "She's had a tough day of it." They gave her pain meds and antibiotics for home.

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