Sunday, October 2, 2011

You Know You Are a Dog Person When...

-You have a kiddie wading pool in the yard, but no small children. 
-You refer to yourselves as Mummy and Daddy. 
-Your dog sleeps with you. 
-Poop has become a source of conversation. 
-You can't see out the passenger side of the windshield because there are nose prints all over the inside. 
-You have 32 different names for your dog. Most make no sense, but they understand. 
-You like people who like your dog. You despise people who don't. 
-You have dog biscuits in your purse or pockets. 
-You sign and send birthday/anniversary/Christmas cards from your dog. 
-You'd rather stay home on Saturday night and cuddle your dog than go to the movies with your sweetie. 
-You go to the pet supply store every Saturday because it's one of the very few places that lets you bring your dog inside, and your dog loves to go with you. 
-You have your dog's picture on your office desk (but no one else's). 
-You are the only idiot walking in the pouring rain because your dog needs her walk. 
-You never completely finish a piece of steak or chicken (so your dog gets a taste, too). 
-You avoid vacuuming the house as long as possible because your dog is afraid of the vacuum cleaner. 
-You keep eating even after finding a dog hair in your pasta. 
-You carry pictures of your dog in your wallet instead of pictures of your parents, siblings, significant other, or anyone else remotely human. 
-Your parents refer to your pet as their granddog. 
-You cringe at the price of food in the grocery store but think nothing of the cost of dog food or treats. 
-You realize there isn't a single picture of a two-legged person, on your camera.
Author Unknown

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