Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No, Freddy! That's Daddy's garden!

"Oh, perfect spot in the garden."
Freddy, the wiener dog, loves to dig WWI trenches. No problem. He can dig as many as he wants in the backyard. But, Freddy was in the frontyard when he decided to dig a trench in Daddy's favorite garden. That little doggie is a very fast digger with those front paws. It took just a few minutes to get a nice, deep trench...probably to bury a woobie.

2. "This is a good spot."
1. "I need a new trench."

4. "A tunnel that perfect for me!"
3. "I'm a fast digger."
5. "Okay, I'm done."
6. Pbbsst. I've got dirt up my nose.

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