Saturday, June 25, 2011

"They're all out to get my woobies!"

Freddy with his blue bird.
Ever since Tank stole the duck Freddy, the wiener dog, has lost his social skills.  Freddy no longer tolerates any dog.  He thinks they’re all out to get his woobies.  When we left for our walk there were two old Irish Setters walking by our house.  Freddy saw them, and when they turned the corner he started tracking.  We turned right down another street and this made Freddy unhappy.  He kept pulling on his leash to go the other way.  When we reached the end of the street, we turned left.  There again were the two old Irish Setters.  Freddy barked, snarled and snapped at them.  After we passed the doggies, Freddy obviously felt like he had run them off!  He started trotting down the street like he owned the place.  Then, he felt so good that he took off running.  I actually had to jog to keep up with that Mini Dachshund.  He ran the whole length of the street.  Tail up, ears flapping behind him.  I’m glad he took a break at the end of the street…I needed the rest.  I had been jogging in flip flops.

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